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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Greece-35 year-old sailor transferred to hospital with viral infection

Coordination between Enterprise Chamber of the Ministry of Maritime and Port Authority of St. Nicholas had to be transferred to land one of the lubricators freighter.
The 35 year-old sailor presented evidence that showed any illness onboard the cargo ship flying the Maltese flag, in which she worked. The truck bypassed the course (from Haifa to Piraeus) and, yesterday sailed off of St. Nicholas. For fear was contagious disease called the transfer of 35-year old Filipino in to hospital.
The Lifeboat Port Authority of St. Nicholas, whose crew had taken all necessary measures to protect the health, approached at 8.30am the merchant vessel and after a tricky business due to the large amount of the sides of the truck, the Filipino received and transferred to the marina. From there received the ambulances and transported him to the hospital, where a more likely cause of his illness was assessed viral infection.
The Filipino was the necessary blood tests and remained in hospital for observation, while the ship sailed to Piraeus.
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