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Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Not to waste, yes to solidarity", the message of Pope Francis

To combat waste and strengthen solidarity asked the faithful Pope Francis, speaking on the occasion of the International Day environment.

"The fact that many children remain starved no news since govern most, money. God and our father, however, did not stipulate that the protection of the world must be entrusted to money. Determined that we need to take people, men and women, this obligation, "said Argentine pontiff.

Addressing the assembled faithful, the head of the Catholic church urged them not to waste food and not deal with what things are not really necessary. It said, "our grandparents did not fly absolutely nothing."

"The homeless, the planets, all people should not be considered never waste should not be left on the sidelines," added the Pope, for whom "the believers should enlist against waste, in defense of the culture of solidarity and true acquaintance "with the other.
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